Devora Zack: Managing For People Who Hate Managing - Blog Business Success Radio

Listen to Wayne Hurlbert on Blog Talk Radio

CEO of Only Connect Consulting, Inc. and author of the entertaining and very results oriented book Managing for People Who Hate Managing: Be a Success By Being Yourself, Devora Zack describes why the manager's personality may not fit what they thought they knew about managing. Devora Zack shares her techniques for personal self assessment so managers can determine whether they are feelers or thinkers. With this understanding in place, a manager can create a flexible managerial style that fits those traits and those of the individual staff members. Devora Zack guides managers through the process of flexible communication with employees, and how to avoid the pitfalls that await unwary managers now in charge of former colleagues. Devora shares how to treat employees how they want to be treated, and how that may differ from the manager's usual approach. Learn how to be effective, successful, and happy as a manager by being yourself.

Devora Zack is my internet radio show guest on Blog Business Success; hosted live on BlogTalkRadio.

The show airs live on Thursday, November 8, at 8:00 pm Eastern Time; 5:00 pm Pacific Time.

CEO of Only Connect Consulting, Inc. and author of the entertaining and very results oriented book Managing for People Who Hate Managing: Be a Success By Being Yourself, Devora Zack describes why the manager's personality may not fit what they thought they knew about managing. You will learn:

* What causes managers to dislike their job

* How understanding your own personality as feeler or thinker creates flex

* How communicate better with employees through flexibility

* How to develop charisma to be successful, effective, and happy

Devora Zack (phhoto left) CEO of OCC, Inc., is an expert speaker, strategy consultant, and executive coach. She is the author of Networking for People Who Hate Networking (Berrett-Koehler/ASTD Press 2010) and Managing for People Who Hate Managing: Be a Success By Being Yourself (Berrett-Koehler/ASTD Press 2012).

Ms. Zack has served as a visiting faculty member of Cornell University’s Johnson Graduate School of Management’s Leadership Skills Program for 15 years, teaching MBA students from across the world.

Ms. Zack holds an MBA from Cornell University where she was a full-tuition merit scholar. Her BA, magna cum laude, is from University of Pennsylvania's Annenberg School for Communication. She is honored with memberships in Phi Beta Kappa and Mensa.

She is a certified practitioner in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

Ms. Zack has also worked as an investigative reporter, emergency counselor, actress, and disc jockey in the U.S. and Italy.

My book review of Managing for People Who Hate Managing: Be a Success By Being Yourself by Devora Zack.

Listen live on Thursday at 8:00 pm Eastern, 5:00 pm Pacific time.

If you miss this very informative show, it will be available for free download as a podcast for iPod, iTunes, and MP3 players; or play it right on your computer. To download this, or any other of my guest interviews, go to the Blog Business Success host page and click on Archived Segments. Once there, click on the podcast icon at the end of the episode description, to download the show free of charge for your listening enjoyment. You can also subscribe to the show feed.

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To call in questions for my guest, the number is: (347) 996-5832

Let's talk with CEO of Only Connect Consulting, Inc. and author of the entertaining and very results oriented book Managing for People Who Hate Managing: Be a Success By Being Yourself, Devora Zack,as she describes why the manager's personality may not fit what they thought they knew about managing. Devora Zack shares her techniques for personal self assessment so managers can determine whether they are feelers or thinkers. With this understanding in place, a manager can create a flexible managerial style that fits those traits and those of the individual staff members. Devora Zack guides managers through the process of flexible communication with employees, and how to avoid the pitfalls that await unwary managers now in charge of former colleagues. Devora shares how to treat employees how they want to be treated, and how that may differ from the manager's usual approach. Learn how to be effective, successful, and happy as a manager by being yourself

on Blog Business Success Radio.

Managing for People Who Hate Managing by Devora Zack - Book review

Managing for People Who Hate Managing

Be a Success By Being Yourself

By: Devora Zack

Published: August 27, 2012
Format: Paperback, 192 pages
ISBN-10: 1609945735
ISBN-13: 978-1609945732
Publisher Berrett-Koeler Publishers, Inc.

"Learning techniques to reverse your secret hatred of managing ban have a colossal impact on your work life - to infinity and beyond", writes award winning entrepreneur, CEO of Only Connect Consulting, and author of the entertaining and very results oriented book Managing for People Who Hate Managing: Be a Success By Being Yourself. The author describes how management is really about people, and offers the skills to incorporate the manager's own personality traits into their management style, resulting in more engaged employees and less frustrated managers.

Devora Zack understand that managers face unexpected challenges in their new roles and unexpected situations. The author shares the concept of understanding oneself as the key to effective management. Devora Zack guides managers to place themselves along a spectrum to determine if the individual is either a feeler or a thinker. With this insight in place, the author provides series of exercises and techniques to put this personal reflection into action. Devora Zack offers ideas for managers to adapt their approach to employees based on the feeler and thinker concept to create more meaningful engagement. The author expands this personality assessment premise, to include both introverted and extroverted managers, to ensure their success as well.

Devora Zack (photo left) recognizes that to manage others effectively, managers must be also fully understand and manager themselves. To connect with employees, and establish effective lines of communication, managers need to become more flexible in their approach to their staff. Managing their own attitudes and outlook goes far toward creating a climate of trust and respect.

Devora Zack presents strategies and techniques for guiding managers toward establishing their own strengths, personality, and best selves in their management style. The author covers the following aspects of the manager's worldview and flexibility:

* Why your hate it: Discovering your personal management style
* Who are you: Personal self assessment
* But I liked my real job: Adapting to the transition to manager
* Flex for success: Adapting your approach to employee personalities
* Lonely at the top: Managing former colleagues and peers
* Being bossy: Treating others as they want to be treated
* Don't cry in my office: Firing someone with less damage
* Charisma 'n' you: Being successful, effective, and happy

For me, the power of the book is how Devora Zack presents a very hands on survival guide for managers through a combination of wisdom and humor. The author offers a personality based approach to managing where a leader applies their own traits to their role. This alignment of feeling or thinking profiles helps a manager to be more flexible in communicating and connecting with staff members. The author presents enlightening case studies, as part of each chapter to further illustrate each concept in the real world.

Devora Zack demonstrates how personal self awareness, and understanding of the preferences of employees, creates a more effective workplace. To assist in the self assessment process, and to ensure that the key points of each chapter are fully understood, the author provides hands on work sheets and exercises for each major point.At the end of the book, the author also offers bibliography of other books for further study, to assist managers further deepen and improve their skills.

I highly recommend the engaging and very practical book Managing for People Who Hate Managing: Be a Success By Being Yourself by Devora Zack, to any reluctant or dissatisfied managers who may be starting to dislike their job, or who are already hating the position completely. This book will guide you on the journey to liking, and even loving your role as a successful and effective manager.

Paul Heagen: The Leader's Climb - Blog Business Success Radio

Listen to Wayne Hurlbert on Blog Talk Radio

Executive coach, president and founder of Defining Moments Consulting, and co-author of the engaging and insightful business fable The Leader's Climb: A Business Tale of Rising to the New Leadership Challenge, Paul Heagen describes the reasons that CEOs become stuck and and are unable to stay at the top of their companies, Paul Heagen provides insights into how CEOs and other top leaders find they are overwhelmed by the challenges facing them, their companies, and their industries. As a result, Paul Heagen points out that to meet these challenges, the CEOs will try to go too fast, fight too much, and force too many decisions. In the end, these are precisely the wrong approaches and decisions to take. In their place, Paul Heagen recommends the skills of awareness and slowing down, acceptance and embracing reality, and abundance and considering multiple options. Learn the crucial skills for leaders, to avoid becoming stuck and being unable to remain at the pinnacle after a long hard climb to the top.

Paul Heagen is my internet radio show guest on Blog Business Success; hosted live on BlogTalkRadio.

The show airs live on Tuesday, November 13, at 8:00 pm Eastern Time; 5:00 pm Pacific Time.

Executive coach, president and founder of Defining Moments Consulting, and co-author of the engaging and insightful business fable The Leader's Climb: A Business Tale of Rising to the New Leadership Challenge, Paul Heagen describes the reasons that CEOs become stuck and and are unable to stay at the top of their companies, You will learn:

* Why so many top leaders fail to remain on leadership roles

* Why the standard approaches to meeting challenges fail for leaders

* How to utilize a fresh set of skills to achieve leadership success

( How to not be stuck and avoid making bad leadership decisions


Paul Heagen {photo left) president and founder of Defining Moments Consulting, is an executive coach who guides executives through crucial events and phases of their careers and personal lives. His belief that reputations, purpose and even destiny are shaped by how leaders capitalize on such "defining moments" has distinguished his work for more than 30 years with clients ranging from Disney to Cisco to Fidelity Investments.

He is an instructor with the Cincinnati-based Goering Institute and is a high-ranked presenter at conferences and workshops on topics ranging from personal branding and the role of storytelling in propelling business growth.

My book review of The Leader's Climb: A Business Tale of Rising to the New Leadership Challenge by Bob Parsanko and Paul Heagen.

Listen live on Tuesday at 8:00 pm Eastern, 5:00 pm Pacific time.

If you miss this very informative show, it will be available for free download as a podcast for iPod, iTunes, and MP3 players; or play it right on your computer. To download this, or any other of my guest interviews, go to the Blog Business Success host page and click on Archived Segments. Once there, click on the podcast icon at the end of the episode description, to download the show free of charge for your listening enjoyment. You can also subscribe to the show feed.

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To call in questions for my guest, the number is: (347) 996-5832

Let's talk with executive coach, president and founder of Defining Moments Consulting, and co-author of the engaging and insightful business fable The Leader's Climb: A Business Tale of Rising to the New Leadership Challenge, Paul Heagen, as he describes the reasons that CEOs become stuck and and are unable to stay at the top of their companies, Paul Heagen provides insights into how CEOs and other top leaders find they are overwhelmed by the challenges facing them, their companies, and their industries. As a result, Paul Heagen points out that to meet these challenges, the CEOs will try to go too fast, fight too much, and force too many decisions. In the end, these are precisely the wrong approaches and decisions to take. In their place, Paul Heagen recommends the skills of awareness and slowing down, acceptance and embracing reality, and abundance and considering multiple options. Learn the crucial skills for leaders, to avoid becoming stuck and being unable to remain at the pinnacle after a long hard climb to the top on Blog Business Success Radio.

The Leader's Climb by Bob Parsanko & Paul Heagen - Book review

The Leader's Climb

A Business Tale of Rising to the New Leadership Challenge

By: Bob Parsanko, Paul Heagen

Published: September 18, 2012
Format: Hardcover, 188 pages
ISBN-10: 1937134210
ISBN-13: 978-1937134211
Publisher: Bibliomotion

"Today in companies big and small, local and global, public and private, leaders at all levels say the same thing: business has become faster, more complicated, more uncertain, more disruptive, and more competitive", write personal coach and president and founder of Executive Insights, Bob Parsanko; and executive coach and president and founder of Defining Moments Consulting, Paul Heagen, in their engaging and insightful business fable The Leader's Climb: A Business Tale of Rising to the New Leadership Challenge. The authors share the story of of Adam, a CEO who faces a challenging responsibility for his company, and a sense of overconfidence in his ability to control events. Suffering a rock climbing accident, Adam is forced to face his mistakes through chance meetings with an unusual set of characters who share their wisdom with the recovering CEO.

Bob Parsanko (photo left) and Paul Heagen provide insights into leadership, and into the challenges faced by organizational leaders, through the medium of a narrative story. For the authors, climbing to achieve a leadership position is only part of the leader's journey. The critical test of a leader is meeting the often overwhelming array of problems and obstacles presented to leaders, so as to remain at the top. The story poses the metaphor of rock climbing as the career of the leader.

The overburdened and overconfident Adam climbs the rock face, only to discover he is not invincible when he suffers an accident. As with his stuck career as a CEO< Adam finds himself stuck from the accident as well. Through the advice and teachings of an unexpected array of people, Adam uncovers the wisdom to become unstuck, and to move forward and grow as a leader.

Paul Heagen (photo left) and Bob Parsanko present their principles for remaining in a leadership role, and for avoiding the pitfalls that await the unwary and hurried leaders. The authors, through the medium of the business parable, demonstrate how CEO Adam finds himself trying to go too fast, fighting too much, and forcing too many decisions. The inevitable result, as shown by the story of the rock climb, Adam finds himself stuck and unable to find a way to break free. To help guide Adam on his climb, characters in the story teach Adam the principles of awareness and slowing down, acceptance and embracing reality, and abundance by considering multiple options.

The authors show how listening carefully and openly to others helps a leader to understand the principles. Instead of fighting against adversity, Adam learns to lean into it for greater success. Adam finds that the standard practice of limiting the number of options results in bad decision making, and instead finds that multiplying his choices and possibilities leads to better outcomes. Through the sage advice of the story guides, Adam learns how to become unstuck from the rock and from the difficulties he faced as a CEO.

For me, the power of the book is how Bob Parsanko and Paul Heagen present their principles of leadership through a story format that illustrates their concepts in action. The pillars of leadership, and being stuck and overwhelmed, are given clarity in the narrative of Adam, the rock climbing CEO. Through the metaphor of being stuck in a rock climbing accident, the authors point out how the same concepts that get a climber unstuck work for a stuck leader.

The story provides the key elements of successful leadership, that overcome the challenge of remaining in leadership positions, and how these behaviors are so lacking in companies today. The authors present the basic ideas of meeting the myriad of leadership obstacles in a pleasurable and engaging way that underlines the importance of developing and utilizing those principles and skills.

I highly recommend the idea filled and realistic leadership skills development business parable The Leader's Climb: A Business Tale of Rising to the New Leadership Challenge by Paul Heagen and Bob Parsanko, to anyone seeking a very readable and enjoyable narrative that offers rich insights into leadership and overcoming the challenges faced by the today's leaders. This book offers timeless wisdom and a healthy does of common sense to develop skills for any leader.

Remembrance Day - Lest We Forget

Lt. Colonel John McRae - "In Flanders Fields" 1915