Leadership and organizational change expert, founder and CEO of Duncan Worldwide, and author of the visionary and very practical book Change-Friendly Leadership: How to Transform Good Intentions into Great Performance, Rodger Dean Duncan, Ph.D. describes how change is part of every organization in the 21st century and has become a constant. Rodger Dean Duncan provides the insight that change is no longer simply a management issue but has now become a key leadership attribute, The ability to implement change and engage the people affected by that change is a key element of leadership. Rodger points out that people are not resistant to change, but rather to the stress brought about by the change. As a result, a leader must engage the people and understand their heads, hearts, and hopes. Rodger presents his framework for change through his Four T's strategies. The author also presents his seven steps to successful implementation of change through engagement of the people involved in and affected by that change. Learn how to lead change successfully in any type of organization in any type of industry.
Rodger Dean Duncan is my internet radio show guest on Blog Business Success; hosted live on BlogTalkRadio.
The show airs live on Thursday, November 1, at 8:00 pm Eastern Time; 5:00 pm Pacific Time.
Leadership and organizational change expert, founder and CEO of Duncan Worldwide, and author of the visionary and very practical book Change-Friendly Leadership: How to Transform Good Intentions into Great Performance, Rodger Dean Duncan, Ph.D. describes how change is part of every organization in the 21st century and has become a constant. You will learn:
* Why change is now the normal part of any organizational life
* Why change management is now a core leadership attribute
* How to apply the Four T's strategy to change management
* How to use the seven steps to implement change through engaging the people
Rodger Dean Duncan, Ph.D. (photo left) is widely known for his work in leadership and organizational performance. His clients range from cabinet officers in two White House administrations to top executives in more than a dozen industries. He's been a senior executive in two Fortune 500 companies. He earned his PhD at Purdue University, and writes an internet column that reaches opt-in business subscribers in more than 130 countries. Bestselling author Stephen R. Covey calls Duncan's work on leadership 'brilliantly insightful, inspiring; profound, yet user friendly; visionary, yet highly practical.
After an early career as an award-winning journalist and university professor, Dr. Rodger Dean Duncan founded Duncan Worldwide consultancy in 1972. His client roster includes American Airlines, IBM, Consolidated Edison, Sprint, Black & Veatch Engineering, eBay, the Federal Reserve Bank and presidential cabinet officers in two White House administrations.
A highly-sought-after speaker, trainer, and executive coach, Rodger is widely known for his expertise in the strategic management of change – for individuals as well as for organizations.
My book review of Change-Friendly Leadership: How to Transform Good Intentions into Great Performance by Rodger Dean Duncan.
Listen live on Thursday at 8:00 pm Eastern, 5:00 pm Pacific time.
If you miss this very informative show, it will be available for free download as a podcast for iPod, iTunes, and MP3 players; or play it right on your computer. To download this, or any other of my guest interviews, go to the Blog Business Success host page and click on Archived Segments. Once there, click on the podcast icon at the end of the episode description, to download the show free of charge for your listening enjoyment. You can also subscribe to the show feed.
To call in questions for my guest, the number is: (347) 996-5832
Let's talk with leadership and organizational change expert, founder and CEO of Duncan Worldwide, and author of the visionary and very practical book Change-Friendly Leadership: How to Transform Good Intentions into Great Performance, Rodger Dean Duncan, Ph.D.. as he describes how change is part of every organization in the 21st century and has become a constant. Rodger Dean Duncan provides the insight that change is no longer simply a management issue but has now become a key leadership attribute, The ability to implement change and engage the people affected by that change is a key element of leadership. Rodger points out that people are not resistant to change, but rather to the stress brought about by the change. As a result, a leader must engage the people and understand their heads, hearts, and hopes. Rodger presents his framework for change through his Four T's strategies. The author also presents his seven steps to successful implementation of change through engagement of the people involved in and affected by that change. Learn how to lead change successfully in any type of organization in any type of industry on Blog Business Success Radio.
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